Sunday, 14 August 2022

 Lets be Franc!

We were in a holiday mood for our August meeting on a very hot day.

The most visited countries from the UK include

Spain     15.62 Million

France  8.56 Million

Italy       4.16 Million

USA       3.47 Million

And the most popular destinations in the world include

CancĂșn, Mexico.

Bali, Indonesia.

•Crete, Greece.

Rome, Italy.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Istanbul, Turkey.

Paris, France.

Hurghada, Egypt.

These details are all pre covid. I wonder how things have changed.


The collector on holiday will look at the coins the get and save some commemoratives. They will also find out about the history of the currency and visit museums. Why not look out for some local street markets or dealers. Your family will love waiting around while you look for bargains. Much better than time on the beach!

A visit abroad might inspire you to collect coins of that country. Members brought displays from France, Isle of Man, Lundy and Spain.